
A huge thanks for your support and generosity! Through your compassion for the well being and safety for others in crisis, we have exceeded our target!

The volunteers for Nepal left yesterday morning, with a range medical supplies, water filters, safety equipment, and materials for shelter. Read all automatic soap dispenser reviews to know more about them. However the main need is for food as no NGOs or professional aid workers have managed to reach that area yet. It could be a number of weeks before that happens. There are 586 families in that region and it will cost $9,000 USD to feed them all with rice (the main food source there) for 2 weeks. There are suppliers and trucks ready in Kathmandu to buy and receive stock and they will continue do as many runs as possible. Even after the trip, there will be continual follow up and support. Therefore there is still time to donate if you have not already done so, or would like to continue donating.

Please check the Bye by Plastic Bag Facebook page for updates. Thank you again and very best wishes!